Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Leadership through the Leader
Chapter 3: Leadership through the Follower
Chapter 4: Leadership through Process
Chapter 5: Leadership through Performance
Chapter 6: Leadership through Place
Chapter 7: Leadership through Purpose
Chapter 8: Developing Future Leadership
Appendix: Resources for Studying Leadership
Brad Jackson is the Head of School of Government and Professor of Public and Community Leadership at Victoria University of Wellington. Prior to this he was the Fletcher Building Education Trust Chair in Leadership and Co-Director of the New Zealand Leadership Institute at The University of Auckland Business School. Brad has authored five books including A Very Short, Fairly Interesting and Reasonably Cheap Book About Studying Leadership and co-edited the Sage Handbook of Leadership and Major Works in Leadership. Brad is the former Vice-Chair of the International Leadership Association, a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management and The Leadership Trust.
This was the most helpful book I read during my entire first year
as a Ph.D. student. Reading this book felt like having a good
mentor nearby.
*Professor Robert Strand*
The authors explore the complex nature of leadership through
different lenses, or chapters, including leadership through the
leader, follower, process, performance, place, and purpose.
This third edition covers new content on emerging fields
such as brute capitalism, business schools, and leadership
The authors highlight intriguing aspects such as
the romance of leadership in that followers "tend to
exaggerate the role of leadership when things are going very well
or very badly," and that being a good follower is not seen as a
coveted position in the Western world.
*CHOICE Connect*
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