The Presence Process


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Table of Contents

PART I - ATTUNING TO THE PROCESS The Heartbeat of Reinforcement Aligning Our Intention The Mechanics of the Process The Consciousness of Questions The Pathway of Awareness and the Seven Year Cycle Movement Beyond Motion Beyond Addiction and Affliction Trading in Results for Consequences PART II - PREPARING FOR THE JOURNEY The Process Trinity General Guidance for the Introductory Process The Integrative Approach Our Level of Entry Confirmation PART III - THE PRESENCE PROCESS Intending to Listen A Personal Note Activating Our Process Maintaining Our Momentum SESSION ONE Our Inner Presence The Will to Breathe Consciously Connected Breathing Our Consciously Connected Breathing Exercise Experiencing Inner Presence SESSION TWO Identifying the Messenger SESSION THREE Getting the Message SESSION FOUR Feel It to Heal It Restoring Balance to the Quality of our Life Experience SESSION FIVE Activating Inner Compassion Rescuing Our Child Self SESSION SIX Decreasing Our Negative Emotional Charge The Emotional Cleansing Process Into the Water SESSION SEVEN Feeling Our Way Through Cooling Off the Ego Taking Charge of the Negative Embracing Physical Presence SESSION EIGHT Activating Peace of Mind Through Forgiveness SESSION NINE Restoring Emotional Balance SESSION TEN Living on Purpose Gratitude PART IV - CONSEQUENCE Fruits and Flowers Radiating Present Moment Awareness Responsibly PART V - COMPLETION Freedom Is Our Responsibility Roses Have Thorns The Power of Our Presence

About the Author

Until 1989 South African-born Michael Brown was living what he called "a blissfully unconscious life" as a music journalist. He then developed an acutely painful neurological condition called Horton's Syndrome. After four years of suffering through conventional medical approaches he embarked on a quest to heal his experience. In 1993 this intention unfolded into a nine-year odyssey that took him beyond the borders of his home country. In San Francisco he studied Swedish Massage and Reiki Therapy. In the Arizona Desert he studied Breathwork, Shamanism and trained for four years as a Fire Chief in the Native American Peyote Church. He also crossed the border to Mexico and participated in ceremonies with the Huichol Indians. As Michael's quest to find relief unfolded, he began entering "present moment awareness"; a paradigm of heightened consciousness that appeared to be running parallel to the conventional and mundane world experience. He discovered that his repeated entry into this enlivened state of Being, which he accomplished through ceremonial practice and conscious breathing, resulted in a decrease of his own painful condition to the point that it subsided completely. In the late 90s Michael began to chart a methodical pathway into present moment awareness with intent to develop a practical procedure that anyone, anywhere, could follow to initiate this experience for themselves. This procedure became known as The Presence Process. In 2002 Michael returned to South Africa and invited others to experience this inner journey. He discovered that as others embraced present moment awareness they too automatically experienced release from physical, mental, and emotional discomfort, including psychological disorders and addictions. To make this journey accessible to everyone Michael wrote The Presence Process: A Healing Journey Into Present Moment Awareness. Michael Brown continues to live in Johannesburg, South Africa, where he shares his knowledge through personal facilitation. By means of this book, his healing contribution is available for all. Michael will be traveling extensively to speak and teach about The Presence Process.


The Presence Process is an astounding psychological and spiritual victory! I felt very privileged to have received an early copy of Michael Brown's "The Presence Process". Michael's insights are the most profound and comprehensive that I have encountered during my thirty years of both personal and professional work in the area of spiritual transformation. He has captured the essence of in-depth psychological work in the service of spiritual growth, and has been able to translate this understanding into a logical, sequential and simple-to-follow (if not easy) process of healing and releasing old and stubborn obstacles. The Presence Process has wide-ranging and revolutionary implications for our evolution as spiritual beings on this lovely planet. I am deeply grateful to Michael Brown for generously making "The Presence Process" more easily accessible in book form. Susan Simpson, Ph.D., Psychologist Parksville, British Columbia, Canada The Presence Process not only has insightful and relevant text, but it also introduced me to some simple and highly effective practical tools that I know will benefit me throughout my life. Mia Von Veh, Shiatsu Practitioner Johannesburg, South Africa From the very first page I was moved to tears... Reading The Presence Process gave me such hope for healing my life... having dealt with physical pain from rheumatoid arthritis endured for 25 years ... I read the book while on holiday, laying in a hammock ... As I turned the pages and from that relaxed place I could feel the process already taking over... letting the words wash over me I could actually feel the liberation... It is with an open heart that I embark on The Presence Process... with gratitude that this wonderful book found me. Nora Morin, Parksville, BC When I first started reading this book I didn't know what to expect. Would it be like 'Primal Therapy', or similar to the rebirthing books that have appeared over the years. It soon became clear that Michael Brown had a plan and if one followed this 'plan', which is clearly laid-out in the book, one could make progress towards this 'state of presence', which is often referred to. As described in the book, most of the 'stuff' that impedes or impacts us happened in the first seven years of our development, the 'emotional years' before rational thought is clearly formed, and these experiences, unless looked at, will affect us throughout our life. Michael gives us the tools to look at and defuse these 'emotional charges' so life can be free of these imbalances... I likened this process to that of a soiled pane of glass. This pane of glass has the imprint of our past, maybe the imprint from the hand of a stern father, maybe the teardrop stain of not being heard and the hurt that followed etc, one could go on ... Through this process these imprints and smudges can be removed from this 'pane of glass' and the clarity that was already (always) there can be revealed. Just by reading the book I felt that this process had already begun. Another very attractive aspect of this book is that Michael's motive is to give us a complete course to follow and guide us through it... this comes with the one time cost of the book, removing the sometime hidden agenda of therapists (dealing with similar scenarios) to keep the 'process' going for as long as the client is prepared to pay. So thank you Michael and on to the next phase of diving in... Vim Rolaff Vancouver Island, Canada As soon as I began actually reading the pages it was difficult to put down. You MUST hear what this man has to say- it's so profound and immediately effective that you will not want to let another day go by without seeing life through the new, open eyes these insights provide- PLUS its a thoroughly explained mega-tool to help get at and remove what's truly been blocking you. Michael enters your life like Rumi's teacher Shams entered his- and he throws all your books down the well and says "Now, let me show you how to start living what you've been reading about." I see millions of people reading this and it creating a big leap forward into the new world. Stephen Summers, healer/chiropractor Austin Texas USA THE PRESENCE PROCESS is a fresh, original and extraordinary book that just in reading shifted me into a heightened state of consciousness. Through Michael Brown's lullaby-like language, his powerful and insightful teachings, and the quality of his own presence he shows us how to step out of the time-based paradigm into the joy and aliveness of the secret of enlightenment itself: presence moment awareness. Victoria Ritchie, Spiritual Counselor and Editor Mill Valley, CA, USA Every once in a while someone conveys an important message in a simple but elegant way. Michael Brown's "The Presence Process" is such a book. It is not just another self-help book, but rather a practical tool to help us take charge of our life and our purpose in a respectful and compassionate way Barbara Mowat, President Impact Communications & The Institute for Global Linkages Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada I have not yet finished The Presence Process but I have already experienced some profound changes in the quality of my life and experiences. Michael has empowered me with the tools and the confidence to uncover many suppressed feelings and beliefs from my past; most of which I did not even realize were there. Something powerful and wonderful was waiting there and seems to be emerging in their place ... Robert Flichel Personal Trainer and Yoga Instructor I discovered a quality of peace within me that is not dependent on what is happening in my outside world. Catherine Horn, Accountant Johannesburg, South Africa All my old baggage was cleared out and this made way for the love, peace, and joy that was always there and waiting to come forward. Brahm Meter, Realty Agent Johannesburg, South Africa I was able to successfully unravel suppressed emotions and to gently process them. Clive Betty, Chartered Accountant Johannesburg, South Africa The Presence Process caused me to wake up and take an honest look at my drama. Ulrike Schmidt, Children's Workshop Facilitator Germany This assisted me to face my fears and to literally sweat out my past. This Process is for those willing to "get real". Terry Betty, Writer Johannesburg, South Africa I was an alcoholic and addicted to sleeping tablets and painkillers. This Process returned me to life and my life to me. Ingrid Erikson, Yoga Instructor Johannesburg, South Africa Since completing this journey I am at ease with myself and consequently I am at peace with others. Shehnaz Chawla, Journalist/Homemaker Pune, India I do not feel so anxious anymore because I no longer fear the future. Mariana Woldrich, Designer Dressmaker Johannesburg, South Africa I came to realize how many emotions I had unconsciously bottled up. I experienced a definite shift of energy and a real change in the direction of my life. Karima D. Adatia, Sales and Marketing Manager Dallas, Texas, USA. Could it be that some unconscious program within us is really in charge? The Presence Process invites us to access the answers to this question experientially. Pete Petrie, Horticulturist Dharan, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia This journey showed me through personal experience that there is no better moment to experience than the present moment and that there is no greater realization than to know that the universe supports me unconditionally. Jeevan Gounden, Entrepreneur Johannesburg, South Africa You have to be brave to do this. You must want to look deep into yourself, to face all your demons and baggage and to sincerely want resolution. Dot Johnson, Personal Assistant Johannesburg, South Africa Understanding the Seven Year Cycle has shown me how to anticipate events in my life that are caused by the same reoccurring unintegrated emotions. I am no longer ambushed by these emotional upheavals. Anmol Chawla, Project Manager Pune, India It has shown me how to respond to the external world instead of reacting to it. Dimitri Anastasiou, Restaurateur Johannesburg, South Africa The Presence Process enabled me to access my true power so that I could begin to meet my authentic needs. Tess O'Grady, Designer Johannesburg, South Africa I can truly say that I am to a large extent now free from life-long rage, regret, grief, guilt, blame, fear, and depression. Sharon Botha, Coffee-Shop Owner Pretoria, South Africa This is an experience for those of us truly seeking the truth about who and what we are and why we are here on this planet. Nikolas Jankovich, Financial Advisor Durban, South Africa I was able to resolve emotional issues that both affected my personal relationships and my professional experiences. Amitha Hughes, Television & Radio News Journalist Johannesburg, South Africa I now feel a deep understanding for what has been, a gratitude for what is, and an acceptance for what is to come. Joan Tinker Johannesburg, South Africa Being more present has slowed me down so that I can focus more on what I am busy with now and not just on the outcome. Wepener Botha, Freelancer Pretoria, South Africa It gave me immediate and sustainable outcomes that significantly enhanced my inner peace, personal relationships, and ability to give and receive love. Jeremy Harris, Geologist, IT Consultant Gauteng, South Africa It opened me up to greatness. The little things that used to upset me do not get me down anymore. Tamsin Lodge, Account Executive Gauteng, South Africa I would like to see these techniques taught in schools. George Berkovits, Holistic Healer Johannesburg, South Africa It gave me the understanding that my perception of everyone is a reflection of my inner condition. Samantha Jankovich, Bookkeeper Cape Town, South Africa It restored my integrity and showed me the importance of being responsible for the consequences of my choices. Dominic Tottenham, Entrepreneur Johannesburg, South Africa This journey showed me that it was not too late to grow up emotionally. June Belcher, Retired Robindale, South Africa It enabled me to follow my uncomfortable feelings through to their emotional causes and to discover how these causes were still operating in my life even though they were no longer consciously apparent to me. Jennifer Thomas, Shiatsu Therapist Johannesburg, South Africa It gave me the choice to let my issues go and also showed me how to accomplish this. Avanthi Singh, Travel Coordinator Johannesburg, South Africa I was able to realise the art of being, the power of the here and now, and just how to be peaceful within my self. Craig Hamilton, Epiphany Training Gauteng, South Africa It created a route back in to my authentic self. Deepa Morar, Physiotherapist Johannesburg, South Africa

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