Eastern Approaches


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The perennially-selling story of Fitzroy Maclean's exploits in Soviet Russia, North Africa and Yugoslavia

About the Author

Fitzroy Maclean was a British diplomat who was one of the first Westerners to explore Soviet Russia. He was a founder member of the SAS, and later liaised on behalf of the allies with the Partisans in Yugoslavia. A Member of Parliament for over thirty years, he served as Under-Secretary for War in the Churchill and Eden governments. Among his best-known books are Eastern Approaches, Bonnie Prince Charlie, Portrait of the Soviet Union, All the Russias and Highlanders. Sir Fitzroy Maclean, Bt, died on 15 June 1996.


One of the bravest men in the British army, and one of the funniest

An absorbing mixture of military adventure, political judgement, urbane wit, cool humour and surprising incident

A man of daring character

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