Help Desk - Sell Yours


Why didn't my bulk upload file process?

If your bulk upload fails, an error message should appear on the Sell Yours Bulk Upload page which usually has some clues. Some common errors are:

  • The bulk upload file template has changed (we try not to change it too often, unless a new feature is added!) Try downloading the current template.
  • Make sure you are using the correct bulk sell yours tool. Use the Bulk Upload tool for adding new listings, and the Bulk Update tool for changing or deleting existing listings.
  • Check your selling price. Prices shouldn't be more than 10% above the recommended retail price. Lines that exceed this amount are skipped (these are unlikely to sell anyway, so best to revise your price down).
  • Check that the item is in Fishpond's catalogue. If it's not, you can add it using the Add a Product tool and run the line again.

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