Guy Edmonds & Matt Zeremes are writers, directors, actors,
producers and fathers. As writer/creators, their kids show Hardball
is available on ABCMe and they have a number of new TV projects in
development in Australia and overseas. As directors they've
made four feature films (Super Awesome, Burke and Wills), over ten
short films (Silver Stiletto, The Immortal, Cheap Rent) and many
TVC's (Ikea, Birch & Waite). As actors, they've got over eighty
credits between them on both stage and screen (Home and Away,
Holding the Man, A Moody Christmas, Secret City). As fathers, they
have five kids between them, four girls and one boy.
Jake A Minton is an illustrator who lives near Byron Bay. He
was shortlisted for the Little Hare Illustration Prize in
2020. Zombie Diaries #1 Apocalypse Cow is Jake’s first
fiction series.
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