Wisdom of the Rishis


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The Upanishads represent the high watermark not only of Hindu Philosophy but of spiritual literature anywhere in the world. These marvellous discourses and dialogues between self-realized seers, known as Rishis, and one or more disciples, contain powerful and eloquent statements regarding the ultimate reality in its multifarious facets. They have been well described as providing an 'ecstatic slide show of reality, a privileged glimpse of the unitive vision in which all thing are one in a world aflame with God'. They contain some of the most eloquent passages such as - 'I have seen that Great Being shining like a thousand suns beyond the darkness; it is only by knowing that being that we can achieve immortality' and again, 'Hear O children of immortal bliss, you are born to be united with the Divine; follow the path of the illumined ones and be united with the Supreme Being'. -- Dr. Karan Singh

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