The Watch, Thoroughly Revised


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The best book for anyone interested in the
world of vintage and modern watches

About the Author

Gene Stone has written and coauthored more than 45 books on a wide variety of subjects, including the national bestsellers Forks Over Knives and How Not to Die. A former Peace Corps volunteer and book, magazine, and newspaper editor, he lives in Hudson, New York.

Stephen Pulvirent is the managing editor of, the leading online watch magazine. Pulvirent was previously executive digital editor of Surface magazine and associate editor at Bloomberg. He lives in New York City.


“This is one of those rare men’s style books — or at least men’s style adjacent — that’s smart, but also accessible. It does a wonderful job of distilling what makes watches special without making the casual reader feel like an outsider. The Watch is something that both collectors and neophytes can enjoy, which is why it’s been one of the bestselling books on this subject for over a decade.”
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