Washington & Leaver's Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction 1. Cancer: An Overview 2. The Ethics and Legal Considerations of Cancer Management 3. Patient Assessment 4. Overview of Radiobiology 5. Detection and Diagnosis 6. Medical Imaging in Practice 7. Treatment Delivery Equipment 8. Treatment Procedures 9. Infection Control in Radiation Oncology Facilities 10. Infection Control: Health and Safety 11. Pharmacology and Drug Administration

Section 2: Physics, Simulation, and Treatment Planning 12. Applied Mathematics Review 13. Introduction to Radiation Therapy Physics 14. Aspects of Brachytherapy 15. Advanced Procedure 16. Particle Therapy 17. Radiation Safety and Protection 18. Culture of Safety and Protection 19. Quality Improvement in Radiation Oncology 20. Surface and Sectional Anatomy 21. Computed Tomography Simulation and Design 22. Photon Dosimetry Concepts and Calculations 23. Photon Dose Distributions 24. Electronic Charting and Image Management

Section 3: Practical Applications 25. Bone, Cartilage and Soft Tissue Sarcomas 26. Leukemias and Lymphomas 27. Endocrine System Tumors 28. Respiratory System Tumors 29. Head and Neck Cancers 30. Central Nervous System Tumors 31. Digestive System Tumors 32. Gynecological Tumors 33. Male Reproductive and Genitourinary Tumors 34. Breast Cancer 35. Pediatric Solid Tumors 36. Skin Cancers and Melanoma

Appendices: A. Glossary

About the Author

. Dr. Washington is one of the originating Authors of this title.
. He has over 35 years' experience combined in radiation oncology administration, education, and operations with both MD Anderson Cancer Center and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center . Dr. Trad has been teaching for over 17 years starting as an Adjunct Lecturer and now serves as Program Chair at Texas State University.
. Recipient of both Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Innovator of the Year Award, 2014 and Texas State University, College of Health Professions, 2012 Dean Nominee for the Presidential Award for Excellence in Teaching.
. Editorial Review Board member, 2021-present, Radiation Therapist.

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