The Use of the "Septuagint" in New Testament Research


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About the Author

R. Timothy McLay is associate professor of biblical studies at St. Stephen's University, St. Stephen, New Brunswick.


Craig A. Evans
"Timothy McLay's book makes a much-needed contribution to the field of biblical studies. It is simply a must for students and scholars who think they know what the Septuagint is and how it relates to the New Testament. This clearly written, readable book is rich with insight and exegetical nuggets. I recommend it highly." Albert Pietersma
"A recent upsurge of interest in the Septuagint is evidenced not only by several modern-language translation and commentary projects but also by the appearance of a second introductory volume on the Septuagint in the millennium just begun. Not surprisingly, this newfound enthusiasm for ancient Greek biblical texts focuses on two traditional areas: (1) the Septuagint as translation of a Semitic parent text and thus as a new entity within Greek-speaking Jewry and (2) the Septuagint as a paradigmatic body of literature for the writers of the New Testament. Timothy McLay's new volume aims to clarify the latter area. To that end McLay brings to bear a wealth of primary and secondary information, and his stimulating discussions on issues of central concern to this field will greatly assist renewed engagement with an old topic. The timing of this book is excellent. "

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