Acknowledgments: Legacy of the Force ix
Introduction: “The Circle is Now Complete” 1
I The Philosophical Menace 5
1 The Platonic Paradox of Darth Plagueis: How Could a Sith Lord
Be Wise? 7
Terrance MacMullan
2 “You Are Asking Me to Be Rational”: Stoic Philosophy and the
Jedi Order 20
Matt Hummel
3 The Jedi Knights of Faith: Anakin, Luke, and Søren
(Kierkegaard) 31
William A. Lindenmuth
4 Anakin and Achilles: Scars of Nihilism 42
Don Adams
5 Dark Times: The End of the Republic and the Beginning of
Chinese Philosophy 53
Kevin S. Decker
II Attack of the Morals 65
6 Chasing Kevin Smith: Was It Immoral for the Rebel Alliance to
Destroy Death Star II? 67
Charles C. Camosy
7 The Ballad of Boba Fett: Mercenary Agency and Amoralism in War
David LaRocca
8 How Guilty is Jar Jar Binks? 90
Nicolas Michaud
9 “Know the Dark Side”: A Theodicy of the Force 100
Jason T. Eberl
III Revenge of the Alliance 115
10 “Like My Father before Me”: Loss and Redemption of Fatherhood
in Star Wars 117
Charles Taliaferro and Annika Beck
11 The Friends of a Jedi: Friendship, Family, and Civic Duty in
a Galaxy at War 127
Greg Littmann
12 Light Side, Dark Side, and Switching Sides: Loyalty and
Betrayal in Star Wars 136
Daniel Malloy
13 Guardians and Tyrants in the Republics of Star Wars and Plato
Adam Barkman and Kyle Alkema
IV A New Hermeneutic 159
14 Pregnant Padme and Slave Leia: ´ Star Wars’ Female Role
Models 161
Cole Bowman
15 Docile Bodies and a Viscous Force: Fear of the Flesh in
Return of the Jedi 172
Jennifer L. McMahon
16 Of Battle Droids and Zillo Beasts: Moral Status in the Star
Wars Galaxy 183
James M. Okapal
V Metaphysics Strikes Back 193
17 Why the Force Must Have a Dark Side 195
George A. Dunn
18 What is It Like to Be a Jedi? A Life in the Force 208
Marek McGann
19 “Never Tell Me the Odds”: An Inquiry Concerning Jedi
Understanding 219
Andrew Zimmerman Jones
VI Return of the Non-Human 229
20 Mindless Philosophers and Overweight Globs of Grease: Are
Droids Capable of Thought? 231
Dan Burkett
21 Can Chewie Speak? Wittgenstein and the Philosophy of Language
Rhiannon Grant and Myfanwy Reynolds
22 Can the Zillo Beast Strike Back? Cloning, De-extinction, and
the Species Problem 250
Leonard Finkelman
VII The Fandom Awakens 261
23 “In That Time . . . ” in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Epic
Myth-Understandings and Myth-Appropriation in Star Wars 263
John Thompson
24 Star Wars, Emotions, and the Paradox of Fiction 274
Lance Belluomini
25 The Mind of Blue Snaggletooth: The Intentional Stance,
Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, and the Origins of Religion
Dennis Knepp
26 Gospel, Gossip, and Ghent: How Should We Understand the New
Star Wars? 296
Roy T. Cook and Nathan Kellen
Contributors: Troopers of the 501st Legion 308
Index 317
Jason T. Eberl is the Semler Endowed Chair for Medical
Ethics and Professor of Philosophy at Marian University in
Indianapolis, where he teaches bioethics, ethics, and medieval
philosophy. He authored Thomistic Principles and Bioethics (2006),
and is the editor of Battlestar Galactica and Philosophy
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2008) and co-editor of Sons of Anarchy and
Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013).
Kevin S. Decker is Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Washington University, where he teaches ethics, American and Continental Philosophy, and philosophy of popular culture. He is the editor or co-editor of five previous books on pop culture including Terminator and Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), Ender’s Game and Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013), The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy (Wiley-Blackwell, 2013) and Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who (2013).
Together, Eberl and Decker are the editors of Star Wars and Philosophy (2005).
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