A Theory of Cultural Heritage


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Table of Contents

Part I. Setting the Background: Chapter 1. How to not be axiological: a brief look at the history of cultural heritage; Chapter 2. (Un)definitions of ICH; Chapter 3. (Un)definitions of CH; Chapter 4. A note on CH practices; Part II. Setting the Limits: Chapter 5. Westerness, colonialism, and CH; Chapter 6. Elitism, authority, and CH; Chapter 7. CH, authenticity, and fabrication; Part III. Notes for a Theory of Cultural Heritage: Chapter 8. The ontologies of cultural heritage; Chapter 9. Notes for a theory of CH.

About the Author

Dr. Salvador Muñoz-Viñas is a Professor at the Instituto de Restauración del Patrimonio of the Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain. He holds university degrees in Art History and Fine Arts. During his career he has lectured at different centers and universities such as ICCROM, the Sorbonne, the British Museum, Harvard University, the Reinwardt Academy, and NYU. His work on cultural heritage has been published in English, Spanish, Chinese, Persian and other major Western and non-Western languages.

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