1. Introduction 2. Contradictory Policies: Encouraging Chinese Titoism and Consolidating the Offshore Perimeter 3. Nationalist China and the Korean War 4. Formation of the U.S.-Nationalist Alliance 5. Containment Versus Liberation 6. Covert Operations Against the Mainland 7. The Offshore Islands 8. The Burma Campaign: Operation Paper and Its Aftermath 9. The Tibetan Operation: Joint Support for the Tibetan Resistance 10. Joint Intelligence Operations Against the Mainland 11. Taiwan and the Vietnam War 12. Nationalist China and the Containment of PRC Influence 13. U.S. Policy and the Taiwan Model 14. The 1971 Debacle at the United Nations 15. The Alliance and U.S.-PRC Rapprochement 16. Conclusions
John W. Garver
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