Sensory Blending


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Table of Contents

Ophelia Deroy: Introduction
Part 1. Defining and measuring synaesthesia
1: Lawrence E. Marks: Synaesthesia, then and now
2: Casey O'Callaghan: Synesthesia vs. crossmodal illusions
3: Jonathan Cohen: Synesthetic perception as continuous with ordinary perception, or: We're all synesthetes now
4: Yasmina Jraissati: Reporting color experience in grapheme-color synesthesia: on the relation between color appearance, categories, and terms
Part 2. Challenges raised by synaesthesia
5: Myrto Myrtopoulos & Tony Ro: Synesthesia and consciousness: exploring the connections
6: Berit Brogaard: Synesthetic binding and the reactivation model of memory
7: André J. Abath: Merleau-Ponty and the problem of synaesthesia
8: Mohan Mathen: When is Synaesthesia Perception?
9: Michael Sollberger: Can synaesthesia present the world as it really is?
Part 3. Boundaries of synaesthesia: Unconscious, acquired and social varieties of sensory unions
10: Ophelia Deroy & Charles Spence: Questioning the continuity claim: what difference does consciousness make?
11: Devin Blair Terhune, David P. Luke, & Roi Cohen Kadosh: The induction of synaesthesia in non-synaesthetes
12: Malika Auvray and Mirko Farina: Patrolling the boundaries of synaesthesia: a critical appraisal of transient and artificially-induced forms of synaesthetic experiences
13: Frédérique de Vignemont: Mirror touch synaesthesia: intersubjective or intermodal fusion?
14: Noam Sagiv, Monika Sobczak-Edmans, & Adrian L. Williams: Personification, synaesthesia and social cognition

About the Author

Ophelia Deroy is a researcher at the Centre for the Study of the Senses and the co-director of the Institute of Philosophy at the University of London. She specialises in philosophy of mind and cognitive neurosciences, and has widely published on issues related to multisensory perception, sensory deficits, and synaesthesia, both in philosophical and scientific journals. She is an active promoter and a leading advocate of stronger connections between philosophical
and scientific approaches to the mind. Her work is frequently broadcast in national and international newspapers, and she is regularly consulted by institutions and the media regarding the relevance of
philosophy for scientific debates.

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