The Selected Poems of Yvor Winters


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Yvor Winters (1900-1968) was a friend, colleague, and teacher to poets of several generations from Hart Crane and Allen Tate to J. V. Cunningham, Turner Cassity, and Edgar Bowers to Robert Hass, Philip Levine, and Robert Pinsky. His impact on mid- to late-twentieth-century poetry is profound.

About the Author

Yvor Winters (1900-1968) was a poet, critic, and Stanford University professor of English literature. He won the Bollingen Prize in 1961. R. L. Barth is the author of A Soldier's Time, Abandon Hope, and, most recently, First Morning, Last Night. As Robert L. Barth he is a publisher of chapbooks.


“Winters’s poems have compassion and are made of iron ... Dimwits have called him a conservative. He is the kind of conservative who was so original and radical that ... neither the avant-garde nor the vulgar had an eye for him.”

“Yvor Winters is a master obscured by history.”

“Yvor Winters… conducted a poetic revolution all his own. His writing has clarity, elegance, and power.”

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