Introduction - Wendy Stainton-Rogers and Carla Willig
2. Thematic Analysis - Gareth Terry, Nikki Hayfield, Victoria
Clarke & Virginia Braun
3. Ethnography - Christine Griffin and Andrew Bengry-Howell
4. Action Research - Carolyn Kagan, Mark Burton and Asiya
5. Conversation Analysis - Sue Wilkinson and Celia Kitzinger
6. Discursive Psychology - Sally Wiggins and Jonathan Potter
7. Foucauldian Discourse Analysis - Michael Arribas-Ayllon and
Valerie Walkerdine
8. Psychoanalytic Approaches to Qualitative Psychology - Stephen
Frosh and Lisa Saville Young
9. Memory Work - Niamh Stephenson and Susan Kippax
10. Narrative Inquiry - David Hiles, Ivo Cermák and Vladimír
11. The Descriptive Phenomenological Psychological Method - Amedeo
Giorgi, Barbro Giorgi and James Morley
12. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis - Virginia Eatough and
Jonathan A. Smith
13. Q Methodology - Paul Stenner, Simon Watts and Marcia
14. Grounded Theory Methods for Qualitative Psychology - Kathy
Charmaz and Karen Henwood
15. Ethics in Qualitative Psychological Research - Svend Brinkmann
and Steinar Kvale
16. Interpretation in Qualitative Research - Carla Willig
17. Qualitative Methods in Feminist Psychology - Mary Gergen
18. Postcolonialism and Psychology: growing interest and promising
potential - Catriona Macleod, Sunil Bhatia and Shose Kessi
19. Community Psychology - Adele V. Malpert, Sarah V. Suiter,
Natalie M. Kivell, Douglas D. Perkins, Kimberly Bess, Scotney D.
Evans, Carrie E. Hanlin, Patricia Conway, Diana McCown, and Isaac
20. Social Representations - Uwe Flick and Juliet Foster
21. Visual Approaches: Using and Interpreting Images - Paula Reavey
and Katherine Johnson
22. Netnography: Radical Participative Understanding for a
Networked Communications Society - Robert Kozinets
23. Using Computer Packages in Qualitative Research: exemplars,
developments and challenges - Sarah L. Bulloch, Christina Silver
and Nigel Fielding
24. Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: A Pragmatic
Approach - Lucy Yardley and Felicity L Bishop
25. Social Psychology - Steven D. Brown and Abigail Locke
26. Health Psychology - Kerry Chamberlain and Michael Murray
27. Developmental Psychology - Erica Burman
28. Clinical Psychology - David Harper
29. Qualitative Research in Counselling and Psychotherapy: History,
Methods, Ethics, and Impact - Joseph G. Ponterotto, Jennie
Park-Taylor, and Eric C. Chen
30. Qualitative Methods in Organizational Psychology - Elena
Doldor, Jo Silvester and Doyin Atewologun
31. Forensic Psychology - Peter Banister
32. Cultural Psychology - Leslie Swartz and Poul Rohleder
33. Cognitive Psychology - Thomas C. Ormerod and Linden J. Ball
34. Review and Prospect - Wendy Stainton-Rogers and Carla Willig
Professor Carla Willig graduated from the University of Manchester
in 1986. She then embarked upon postgraduate studies at the
University of Cambridge where she was awarded an MPhil in
Criminology in 1987. She stayed at Cambridge in order to conduct
her doctoral research into the ′Social Construction of AIDS
Knowledge′ which she completed in 1991.
Professor Willig has held teaching positions at the University of
Plymouth (1991-3) Middlesex University (1993-9) and City University
London (1999 onwards). From 2001, she undertook additional training
at Regents College, London, and qualified as an Existential
Counselling Psychologist in 2005. Wendy is a critical psychologist,
working mainly, these days, in health. On the basis of her work on
alternative approaches to health behaviour, she was appointed by
the UK′s NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical
Excellence) to its Development Group on Behaviour Change, preparing
and disseminating recommendations to the National Health Service
and other statutory bodies on ′best practice′ in relation to
behaviour change interventions and programmes at individual,
community and population levels. Wendy is currently the chair of
the International Society for Critical Health Psychology (ISCHP).
The second edition of the SAGE Handbook of Qualitative
Research is an extraordinary compendium of the central current
issues in qualitative research in psychology. Capturing the
diversity and plurality of qualitative methods of investigation,
this updated handbook also considers matters such as ethics and
reflexivity shared across methods. Newly revised to include recent
work in the burgeoning field of qualitative inquiry, it will be an
essential companion for both new and experienced qualitative
researchers. Qualitative researchers in psychology owe a debt
of gratitude to these editors for pulling this together.
*Ruthellen Josselson, Ph.D.*
This is a very welcome and timely second edition of the
highly-regarded SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research in
Psychology. In the nine years since it was first published in 2008,
qualitative research in psychology has flourished into a rich,
diverse and vibrant field. As the Editors of this Handbook
note, there is a sense of sophistication that has evolved
throughout these recent developments. There is also an increased
confidence that can be seen across this updated Handbook, from the
editors’ valuable framing of the field at the start through to the
revised chapters and the inclusion of three new chapters. Notable
additions to the Handbook include a chapter devoted to
interpretation issues in qualitative research, new approaches to
thematic analysis, developments and progress around metasynthesis,
netnography and the implications of rapidly developing information
and communication technologies for qualitative research. This
Handbook will be highly valuable for a range of audiences,
including for students in psychology and other social science
disciplines, but also for academics, practitioners and activists
(and indeed essential reading for many). It provides a
comprehensive overview of the current state-of-play in qualitative
research in psychology, covers a range of diverse methodologies,
outlines key approaches and perspectives, and describes
applications to specific subfields of psychology. It doesn’t
shy away from the many big questions, tensions, complexities and
debates that are involved in qualitative research, including the
range of positions and approaches that exist regarding
epistemology, ethics and politics, and the varying priorities that
different people bring to research. Rather it engages with these
issues directly and in an accessible and welcoming manner, ensuring
this Handbook will function as the clear and reliable guide for
both novices and experienced researchers. In this sense it is
highly successful in meeting its purpose to "help its readers to
gain a sense of the territory and to enable them to make
well-informed methodological theoretical and ideological choices"
(Stainton Rogers & Willig, p4).
*Antonia Lyons*
The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Psychology is
comprehensive and bold, celebrating the wide range of methods,
approaches, perspectives and applications among qualitative
research in psychology. Written by leading psychologists,
this handbook covers what are now well established qualitative
methods while considering methodological changes required by
contemporary developments, such as social media and the routine
recording of people at work, blurring the distinctions between
public and private and research and everyday practice.
*Peter Branney*
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