Risk Analysis in Engineering


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Table of Contents

Introduction and Definitions. Elements of Risk Assessment. Probabilistic Risk Assessment. Performance Assessment: Data and Modeling. Uncertainty Analysis. Identifying, Ranking, and Predicting Contributors to Risk. Risk Acceptance Criteria. Decision Making Techniques. Risk Communication.

About the Author

Mohammad Modarres


“… this book contains the most used procedures and practices particularly in conducting probabilistic risk assessments of complex systems such nuclear power plants. One of the special feature of this gook is the inclusion of several worked out examples in the text and also a large number of exercises at the end of each chapters. This feature makes it very useful for the undergraduate, graduate students, who would like to study the subject of risk modeling, assessment and management as a part of their curricula. … the reviewer would like to recommend this book to all those practicing engineers, students, teachers, and researchers, who would like to make in depth study of the probabilistic risk assessment and associated problems and are looking for their solutions. This is a most comprehensive treatment of the subject.”
— K. B. Misra, in International Journal of Performability Engineering, (IJPE), July 2006

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