Practical Office Orthopedics


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Table of Contents

Chapter 1:  The Knee

a.       Anatomy/Physiology basics

b.      Ligament injuries

i) History

ii) Physical Exam

iii) Imaging

iv) Treatment

            c.    Meniscus Injuries

       i) History

ii) Physical Exam

iii) Imaging

iv) Treatment

               d.  Arthritis

              i) History

ii) Physical Exam

iii) Imaging

iv) Treatment

                e.  Problems of the Patellofemoral Joint

                   i) History

ii) Physical Exam

iii) Imaging

iv) Treatment

                 f.  “Diagnosis Unknown:”  What to do with the knee that is none of the above



Chapter 2:  The Shoulder

a.  Anatomy/Physiology basics

                   b.  Subacromial Space Impingement

                             i) History

    ii) Physical Exam

    iii) Imaging

    iv) Treatment


c.  Glenohumeral Joint Arthritis

     i) History

     ii) Physical Exam

     iii) Imaging

     iv) Treatment

 d.  Glenohumeral Joint instability

     i) History

     ii) Physical Exam

     iii) Imaging

     iv) Treatment

                   e.  AC Joint Instablitiy

       i) History

       ii) Physical Exam

       iii) Imaging

       iv) Treatment

 f.  AC Joint Arthritis

      i) History

      ii) Physical Exam

      iii) Imaging

      iv) Treatment

Chapter 3:  The Hip

                    a.  Anatomy and Physiology basics

                    b.  Arthritis

                        i) History

                                ii) Physical Exam

                                iii) Imaging

                                iv)  Treatment (including sidebar on famous flops)

                     c.  Bursitis

                        i) History

                                ii) PE

                                iii) Imaging

                                iv) Rx

                      d. Pain referred to the hip from the lumbar spine

                        i) Hx

                                ii) PE

                                iii) imaging

                                iv) Rx

                        e. Avascular Necrosis (AVN)

                        i) Hx

                                ii) PE

                                iii) Imaging

                                iv) Rx

                        f. Femoral/Acetabular Impingement & Labral tears

                        i) Hx

                                ii) PE

                                iii) Imaging

                                iv)  Rx

                            g. Hip fractures

                        i) anatomy

                        ii) classification

                        iii) imaging

                        iv) treatment


Chapter 4:  Hand/Wrist/Elbow

                        a. carpal tunnel (dead guy cartilage/fingernail story sidebar here?)

                      & nbsp;             “

                        b. trigger finger


                        c. lateral/medial epicondylitis


                        d. Cubital tunnel syndrome


                        e. DeQuervaine’s Syndrome


                        f. thumb basal joint OA (1st CMC OA)


                        g. skiier’s/gamekeeper’s thumb


Chapter 5:  Foot/Ankle

                        a. anatomy/physiology basics

                        b. Morton’s neuroma

                        c. plantar fasciitis

                        d. Achillies tendonitis

                        e. bunions and hammertoes

                        f. Ankle sprains and fractures

Chapter 6:  Spine

                        a. anatomy/physiology basics

                        b. low back pain

                                    i)with radiculopathy

                                    ii)without radiculopathy

                        c. Spinal stenosis

                        d. Vertebral compression fxs


Chapter 7:  Orthopedic Emergencies

                        a. compartment syndrome

                        b. Ortho injuries with neurovascular compromise

                        c. Septic arthritis

                        d. open fxs

                        e. extremity amputation

                        f. spinal cord injuries

Chapter 8:  Principles of fracture management

Chapter 9:  Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks












About the Author

Edward (Ted) Parks, MD (Denver, CO) is affiliated with Western Orthopedics. Dr. Parks is a regular presenter at the annual American College of Physicians Conference.

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