Plasma Discharge in Liquid


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Table of Contents

Introduction. Generation of Plasma in Liquid. Bubble and Electronic Initiation Mechanism. Decontamination of Volatile Organic Compounds. Biological Applications. Cooling Water Treatment Using Plasma. References. Index.

About the Author

Dr. Young I. Cho has been a professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia since 1985. Prior to joining Drexel University, he spent four years at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, as a member of the technical staff. His research interest includes fouling prevention in heat exchangers, physical water treatment using electromagnetic fields, hemorheology, and energy. Currently, he is developing methods of applying low-temperature plasma technology to prevent mineral and biofouling problems in cooling water.

Dr. Alexander Fridman is Nyheim Chair Professor at Drexel University, Philadelphia, and director of the A. J. Drexel Plasma Institute. He develops novel plasma approaches to material treatment, fuel conversion, hydrogen production, aerospace engineering, biology, and environmental control. Recently, significant efforts of Dr. Fridman and his group have been directed to development of plasma medicine, which is a revolutionary breakthrough area of research focused on direct plasma interaction with living tissues and direct plasma application for wound treatment, skin sterilization, blood coagulation, and treatment of different diseases, not previously effectively treated.

Dr. Yong Yang has been an associate professor at the College of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in Wuhan, China, since 2011. Prior to joining HUST, he spent five years at Drexel Plasma Institute, Drexel University, pursuing his PhD degree. His research interests include low-temperature plasma discharges in liquid and atmospheric gas and their applications in environmental, medical, and energy-related fields.


"The approach and selection of topics are relevant to the technology for effective water treatment. The book can be useful to the researchers and students in this field, and can provide practical solutions for water treatment technology. In addition this book may aid knowledge in usage of plasma technology in other liquid domain."
—Rupak K. Banerjee, PhD, PE, Fellow ASME, University of Cincinnati and Kallol Bera, PhD, Applied Materials, Inc., California, USA

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