Philosophy in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds


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Table of Contents

Part I. Hellenistic Philosophy
1: Fighting over Socrates: The Hellenistic schools
2: Beware of the Philosopher: The Cynics
3: Instant Gratification: The Cyrenaics
4: The Constant Gardener: The Principles of Epicurus
5: Am I Bothered?: Epicurean Ethics
6: Nothing to Fear: Epicureans on Death and the Gods
7: Reaping the Harvest: Lucretius
8: Walking on Eggshells: Stoic Logic
9: Nobody's Perfect: The Stoics on Knowledge
10: We Didn't Start the Fire: The Stoics on Nature
11: Like a Rolling Stone: Stoic Ethics
12: Anger Management: Seneca
13: You Can Chain My Leg: Epictetus
14: The Philosopher King: Marcus Aurelius
15: Beyond Belief: Pyrrho and Skepticism
16: The Know Nothing Party: The Skeptical Academy
17: Rhetorical Questions: Cicero
18: Healthy Skepticism: Sextus Empiricus
19: The Joy of Sects: Ancient Medicine and Philosophy
20: The Best Doctor is a Philosopher: Galen
Part II. Pagan Philosophy in the Roman Empire
21: Caesarian Section: Philosophy in the Roman Empire
22: Middle Men: The Platonic Revival
23: To the Lighthouse: Philo of Alexandria
24: Delphic Utterances: Plutarch
25: Lost and Found: Aristotelianism after Aristotle
26: Not Written in Stone: Alexander of Aphrodisias
27: Silver Tongues in Golden Mouths: Rhetoric and Ancient Philosophy
28: Sky Writing: Astronomy, Astrology, and Philosophy
29: A God Is My Co-Pilot: The Life and Works of Plotinus
30: Simplicity Itself: Plotinus on the One and Intellect
31: On the Horizon: Plotinus on the Soul
32: A Decorated Corpse: Plotinus on Matter and Evil
33: King of Animals: Porphyry
34: Pythagorean Theorems: Iamblichus
35: Domestic Goddesses and Philosopher Queens: The Household and the State
36: The Platonic Successor: Proclus
37: A Tale of Two Cities: The Last Pagan Philosophers
38: For a Limited Time Only: John Philoponus
Part III. Christian Philosophy in the Roman Empire
39: Father Figures: Ancient Christian Philosophy
40: Please Accept our Apologies: The Greek Church Fathers
41: Fall and Rise: Origen
42: Three for the Price of One: The Cappadocians
43: Naming the Nameless: The Pseudo-Dionysius
44: Double or Nothing: Maximus the Confessor
45: Practice Makes Perfect: Christian Asceticism
46: Spreading the Word: The Latin Church Fathers
47: Life and Time: Augustine's Confessions
48: Papa Don't Teach: Augustine on Language
49: Help Wanted: Augustine on Freedom
50: Heaven and Earth: Augustine's City of God
51: Me, Myself, and I: Augustine on Mind and Memory
52: Born Again: Latin Platonism
53: Fate, Hope, and Clarity: Boethius

About the Author

Peter Adamson took his doctorate from the University of Notre Dame and first worked at King's College London. In 2012 he moved to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, where he is Professor of Late Ancient and Arabic Philosophy. He has published widely in ancient and medieval philosophy, especially on Neoplatonism and on philosophy in the Islamic world.


one of the most accomplished and ambitious ventures in publishing ... rom the first volume onwards, a repeated refrain has been philosophers arguing that being a philosopher is the best choice in life. These books are so engaging, instructive and diverting it might almost make you believe that is true.
*The Scotsman*

Adamson considers a large period of history but the chapters never seem intimidating or lacking in depth. Any reader with an interest in philosophy will find this work both entertaining and educational.
*Library Journal*

A volume that is both a perfect introductory work and will also help to plug some of the gaps that most of us have in our knowledge of the long span of ancient philosophical history.
*James Warren, Phronesis*

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