Accompanying a major 5-part BBC series presented by David Attenborough and produced by the team behind Planet Earth and Blue Planet, Perfect Planet is an exploration of the unique conditions that make life on earth possible, and how our wildlife is perfectly adapted to its environment.
Huw Cordey (Author)
Huw Cordey was the series producer of The Hunt. He has been making
wildlife documentaries for 20 years. Between 1996 and 2009, he
worked for the BBC Natural History Unit, producing landmark series
such as Land of the Tiger, Andes to Amazon, Sir David
Attenborough's Life of Mammals, Planet Earth, Big Cat Diary and
South Pacific.
Since 2009, he has worked in the independent sector, producing
Discovery Channel's six-part natural history landmark series North
America. Huw has also written and presented a number of radio
programmes for the BBC and was a contributing author to the
best-selling book Planet Earth.
Alastair Fothergill (Foreword By)
Alastair Fothergill was the executive producer of The Hunt.
Previous to that, he was the executive producer of Frozen Planet
for the BBC - a series he conceived following the success of Planet
Earth, which he produced. Director of the associated feature film
Earth, he has also co-directed four feature films for Disney.
Alastair studied zoology at the University of Durham, joined the
BBC Natural History Unit in 1983 and was appointed head of the NHU
in 1992. During his tenure, he produced the award-winning series on
the Antarctic, Life in the Freezer. In 1998, he stood down to
concentrate on producing the hugely successful The Blue Planet.
In 2012 he co-founded the independent production company Silverback
Films, which produced The Hunt for the BBC. Alastair is the author
of four books.
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