Pastoral Identity as Social Construction


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About the Author

Samuel Park is Assistant Professor of Practical Theology and Contextual Ministry Education and Director of Korean Missional Church Programs at Central Seminary, Shawnee, Kansas. He is the author of several articles on pastoral identity and the history and methodology of pastoral care, counseling, and theology. His articles have been published in a range of scholarly peer-reviewed journals, including Pastoral Psychology, Journal of Pastoral Care and Counseling, and Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health.


"Park's original research employs grounded theory to discover an emphasis on relational and inter-subjective self-descriptions . . . This book will be of great service in seminary classes as students struggle to integrate their theology and practice of pastoral care, and come to know themselves as flexible and open caregivers, firmly rooted in the divine love."
--Mary Clark Moschella, Yale Divinity School

"Park's grounded theory study constructs a vision of pastoral identity that moves beyond individually 'owned' pastoral identity and toward identity that rests in a rich set of collaborative partnerships and perichoretic interactions. With this text, Park has made a substantial contribution to the empirical foundation of pastoral care and counseling."
--Loren L. Townsend, Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary

"Clinically precise, theoretically and ecclesially grounded, and theologically rich, this text offers a perceptive view of incarnational ministry, while honoring the role of the one receiving care. It is an important advance in the field of pastoral theology, especially given the multicultural sensitivity of the author."
--Molly T. Marshall, Central Seminary

"This is a much-needed textbook for pastoral care courses and chaplaincy training programs that help practitioners form authentic pastoral identities that are both grounded in their faith traditions and open to the co-creative possibilities of each pastoral encounter with the other."
--Carrie Doehring, Iliff School of Theology

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