Pain Free (Revised and Updated Second Edition)


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About the Author

Pete Egoscue, an anatomical physiologist, founded The Egoscue Method in 1978. His exercise therapy program is acclaimed worldwide for treating musculoskeletal pain attributed to workplace and sports injuries, accidents, aging, and other conditions. Pete has worked with some of the biggest names in sports, business, and politics. The Egoscue Method has dozens of clinics across the United States and several international facilities, and helps tens of thousands of people every year to live pain free.


“Pete Egoscue has totally changed my life. Never have I experienced such complete pain relief as I have following the Egoscue Method.”—Jack Nicklaus

“Pain Free is based on a very sound understanding of human physiology. It shows how we can break the circuit of pain and naturally heal one of the most significant disabilities of our time.”—Deepak Chopra

“The ideas that Pete Egoscue brings to the world of nonoperative orthopedics are thoughtful, insightful, a bit controversial but undeniably USEFUL! I’ve used many of Pete’s E-cises in caring for my patients over the years. Buy this book—sooner or later you’re going to need it!”—Scott V. Haig, M.D., assistant clinical professor of orthopedic surgery, Columbia University

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