A harrowing tale of abuse, neglect...and hope
Rosie Goodwin has worked in social services and as a foster carer for many years. She has three children, and lives in Nuneaton with her husband, Trevor and their foster children.
Praise for Rosie's first novel, THE BAD APPLE: 'Rosie Goodwin is a
born storyteller - she'll make you cry, she'll make you laugh, but
most of all you'll care for her characters and lose yourself in her
story. An author destined for the top
*Jeannie Johnson, author of THE REST OF OUR DAYS*
Rosie deserves all her success. She is a talented storyteller and
will go all the way to the top
*Dee Williams*
The tearjerker of the season...[a] heart-rending tale
*Western Mail*
A promising and well-drawn debut
*Lancashire Evening Post*
A good tearjerker...compelling
*Reading Evening Post*
A gifted writer... Not only is Goodwin's characterisation and
dialogue compelling, but her descriptive writing is a joy
*Nottingham Evening Post*
A heart-throbber of a story from Goodwin that puts many other
so-called emotional blockbusters in the shade
*Northern Echo*
Goodwin is a fabulous writer...she reels the reader in surprisingly
quickly and her style involves lots of twists and turns that are in
no way predictable
*Worcester Evening News*
A touching and powerful new novel from a wonderful writer
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