Optimist Racing


Product Description
Product Details

Table of Contents

Foreword; Introduction; PART ONE: SPEED: Speed Basics, Sail & Rig, Upwind Speed, Downwind Speed; PART TWO: BOAT HANDLING & TACTICS: Basic Boat Handling, Tactics; PART THREE: EQUIPMENT & TUNING: Mast Rake, Fast Gear; PART FOUR: WIND SKILLS: Seeing The Wind; PART FIVE: MIND & BODY: Mental Fitness, The Perfect Body, Physical Fitness; PART SIX: PARENTS & COACHES: For Parents, The Perfect Coach.

About the Author

Steve Irish is a world-class professional sailing coach. He has worked for the British Sailing Team, Turkish Sailing Federation and Thailand’s 49er team amongst others. He is a previous 420 World Champion and multiple National Champion in the RS800 class. Since devoting himself to racing coaching full-time in 2003 he has coached teams to world championship success. He coaches Optimist sailors regularly both in the UK and around the world. Phil Slater was an RYA Optimist Racing Coach and has been the UK Optimist Team Coach at numerous championships. He was Ben Ainslie’s first sailing coach, training him to win the UK National Optimist Championships and compete in 4 Optimist World Championships. As a sailor himself he was Firefly National Champion.

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