Neuromuscular Pathology Made Easy


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Table of Contents

Contributor List. Preface. Acknowledgment. Abbreviations. General. Muscle and Nerve Histology. Muscle and Nerve Fibers Classification. Clinical Neurophysiology. Neuromuscular Laboratory. Chemical Materials Used in the Lab. Biopsy Processing Protocol. Histochemistry Protocol. Genetic Basis Of Neuromuscular Disorders. Neuromuscular Final Report. Muscle. Initial Approach in Muscle Biopsy. Differential Diagnosis. Electron Microscopy. Classification of Myopathy. Approach to Neuromyopathy. Approach to Vacuolar Myopathy. Muscular Dystrophy Diseases. Inherited Myopathic Diseases. Non-Congenital Acquired Myopathies. Metabolic Myopathy. Inflammatory Myopathy. Chronic Denervation Myopathy. Axial Myopathy. Fasciitis. Nerve. Classification of Neuropathy. Diagnostic Approach in Nerve Biopsy. Axonal Neuropathy. Demyelinating Neuropathy. Cellular and Extracellular Abnormalities. Inflammatory Demyelination. Other Common Peripheral Neuropathies. Index.

About the Author

Maher Kurdi, MD, FRCPC, EFN

Clinical Assistant Professor

Department of Pathology

Faculty of Medicine in Rabigh

King Abdulaziz University

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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