Mycorrhizal Dynamics in Ecological Systems


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Preface; Glossary of key terms; Acknowledgements; 1. Introduction; 2. Structure-functioning relationships; 3. Evolutionary Ecology; 4. Physiological Ecology; 5. Population Ecology; 6. Community Ecology; 7. Ecosystem Dynamics; 8. Mycorrhizae and Succession; 9. Global Change; 10. Conservation, Restoration, and Re-Wilding: Mycorrhizae as a Cornerstone; Conclusion and Summary; Bibliography.

Promotional Information

Interdisciplinary volume on dynamic interactions between plants and fungi and how they scale up to land management and global change.

About the Author

Michael F. Allen is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology at the University of California, Riverside. He began his career studying mycorrhizae a half century ago, focusing on the physiology, ecology, evolution, and application of mycorrhizae across the Anthropocene. Michael was a founding editor of Mycorrhiza, President of the International Mycorrhizal Society, and Program Officer at the National Science Foundation. His previous publications include The Ecology of Mycorrhizae (Cambridge University Press, 1991) as well as 250 peer-reviewed research papers.

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