The Most Radical Gesture


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Table of Contents

Introduction: `Now, the SI' 1. `The More You Concern' 2. `A World of Pleasures to Win' 3. `A Single Choice' 4. `Those Who Create Disorder' 5. `Flee, but while fleeing' In Conclusion: `The Bad days will end' References Bibliography

About the Author

Sadie Plant


`Plant's book is a timely and important interrogation of the relationshiop between situationism and postmodernism, ...' - Modern & Contemporary France

`An analysis of Situationism is long overdue, and Sadie Plant's rigorous account finally gives it credit for its enormous contribution to postwar theory and revolutionary politics.' - New Statesman and Society

`This is the first accessible study of the situationists, one of the 20th century's more arcane and avante-garde political groups.' - Sunday Times

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