Mechanic Shop Femme's Guide to Car Ownership : Uncomplicating Cars for All of Us


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About the Author

Chaya Milchtein is an automotive educator, influencer, and founder of Mechanic Shop Femme. She unapologetically stands out in a crowd, flaunting her fashion sense while teaching about cars, traveling the world, and breaking all kinds of norms. Chaya made it her life's mission to educate women and queer people about their cars. She's dedicated her career to educating the average car owner, not automotive enthusiasts, about their cars - a career she found and built after aging out of the foster care system. She's taught her popular car classes at libraries, universities, non-profits, and businesses, including John Jay Criminal College, BMO Bank, and Vanderbilt University. Chaya has worked with national and international automotive brands, including CarMax, TireRack, iFixit, and Jerry. She has been featured in AARP, NPR's Lifekit, Oprah Magazine, Car Talk, and The Chicago Tribune. She's written for AAA's Via Magazine, Parents Magazine, Shondaland, and PBS's Next Avenue. Chaya lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, with her wife, tortoise, and black cat.

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