The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, Volume XIII


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About the Author

Robert A. Hill is Research Professor of History at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he is Editor in Chief and Project Director of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers Project within the James S. Coleman African Studies Center. 


"The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers will take its place among the most important records of the Afro-American experience. . . . The Marcus Garvey Papers lays the groundwork for a long overdue reassessment of Marcus Garvey and the legacy of racial pride, nationalism, and concern with Africa he bequeathed to today's black community." 
*New York Times Book Review*

"Until the publication of The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Association Papers, many of the documents necessary for a full assessment of Garvey's thought or of his movement's significance have not been easily accessible. Robert A. Hill and his staff . . . have gathered over 30,000 documents from libraries and other sources in many countries. . . . The Garvey papers will reshape our understanding of the history of black nationalism and perhaps increase our understanding of contemporary black politics." 
*The Nation*

"Now is our chance, through these important volumes, to finally begin to come to terms with the significance of Garvey's complex, fascinating career and the meaning of the movement he built."
*The New Republic*

"The Marcus Garvey and Universal Negro Improvement Papers are much more than just the records of an exceptional individual and his organization. . . . The annotated footnotes can be read for profit independent of the documents. The identification of persons frequently goes well beyond brief sketches to become rich biographical entries. . . . [Historians] must rethink not only the place of Garveyism in the context of twentieth-century Afro-American history but, and in some ways more importantly, the place of the Afro-American experience in U.S. and world history during the period."
*Reviews in American History*

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