Letters on England


Product Description
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Table of Contents

Letters on England - Voltaire Translated by Leonard Tancock

Letter 1: On the Quakers
Letter 2: On the Quakers
Letter 3: On the Quakers
Letter 4: On the Quakers
Letter 5: On the Anglican Religion
Letter 6: On the Presbyterians
Letter 7: On the Socinians, Arians or Anti-Trinitarians
Letter 8: On Parliament
Letter 9: On the Government
Letter 10: On Commerce
Letter 11: On Innoculation with Smallpox
Letter 12: On Chancellor Bacon
Letter 13: On Mr. Locke
Letter 14: On Descartes and Newton
Letter 15: On the System of Gravitation
Letter 16: On the Optics of Newton
Letter 17: On Infinity and Chronology
Letter 18: On Tragedy
Letter 19: On Comedy
Letter 20: On Noble Lords who cultivate literature
Letter 21: On the Earl of Rochester and Mr. Waller
Letter 22: On Mr. Pope and some other famous poets
Letter 23: On the Consideration due to Men of Letters
Letter 24: On Academies
Letter 25: On the Pensées of Pascal

About the Author

Voltaire (1694-1778) French writer, satirist, the embodiment of the 18th-century Enlightenment. Among his best-known works is the satirical short story CANDIDE (1759).

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