Large Carnivores

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"Aficionados of top-down community control will have their perspective broadened; skeptics will appreciate the detail and absence of dogma. Carnivore conservation, including restoration, remains a formidable challenge. What actions should be taken; what are the costs and consequences? This volume provides a mother lode of stimulation." --Robert T. Paine

"Carnivore researchers, conservationists, and enthusiasts alike, whether interested in terrestrial or aquatic systems, will surely benefit from, and truly enjoy, a thorough reading of this book. This is an unprecedented review of the role that carnivore conservation plays in saving biodiversity across the globe. Authorities in the field combine broad theory and specific case studies to give wide-ranging perspectives on a major conservation issue." --Todd K. Fuller

"The tension in this summary of the ecology of large carnivores is between the ecologists wishing to understand the role of large carnivores in ecosystems and the conservation biologists wishing to use these charismatic chaps for saving biodiversity. Both viewpoints and their intertwined interactions are brought together in an excellent manner here. You cannot help but to be carried away by the enthusiasm shown by these biologists for both goals. A top score to all the authors!" --Charles J. Krebs

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