Language vs. Reality


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Table of Contents

Preface and Acknowledgments vii
Introduction 1
I Mapped by Language
1 Coordinating around Reality 11
2 Schelling's Game 25
3 Language and Nature 37
II Nudged by Language 
4 Priming and Overshadowing 63
5 Linguistic Relativity 87
6 Communicative Need 99
7 Framing and Inversion 111
III Made by Language 
8 Russell's Conjugation and Wittgenstein's Ruler 127
9 Stories and What They Do to Us 149
10 Social Glue 161
11 Sense Making 179
Conclusion 195
Notes 203
Bibliography 263
Index 293

About the Author

N. J. Enfield is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Sydney and Director of the Sydney Centre for Language Research and the Sydney Initiative for Truth. He is the author of The Anatomy of Meaning, The Utility of Meaning, How We Talk, and other books.

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