Kay Fisker


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Table of Contents

List of illustrations Series Preface Timeline List of works by Kay Fisker Introduction Multiple facets of modern architecture Constructing a subject 1. A clearly defined form Simple, yet picturesque Into the countryside Twin houses in a garden city Pavilion purism 2. Ordering the modern city Contemporary classicism Grandeur and clarity Houses facing an urban condition Variations of the perimeter block 3. Typologies of housing Dissolving the perimeter Architectural propaganda Typological pursuits A Copenhagen Siedlung 4. Welfare and the architecture of institutions The hospital The university The sanatorium The work camps The Mother’s Aid 5. Beyond conventions History reinterpreted Post-war housing policies Suburban life Prefab wonders 6. Time and tradition Fisker, the historian Transforming historical matter The functional tradition Order and anonymity Conclusion General bibliography Bibliography of the writings of Kay Fisker Index

Promotional Information

A new title in the Bloomsbury Studies in Modern Architecture series, examining the work of Kay Fisker, one of the most influential Danish architects of the twentieth century.

About the Author

Martin Søberg is Associate Professor at the Institute of Architecture and Culture, Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen.

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