Hopeful Visions, Practical Actions


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Table of Contents

Part I Origins

1 “Time Is a Ship That Never Casts Anchor”: Indigenous Adages in Promoting Cultural Humility

Loriene Roy and Leisa Moorhouse

2 Redressing Power Imbalances in Librarianship Using Cultural Humility: A Perspective from Two Black Librarians

Twanna Hodge and Xan Goodman

3 Getting Past “Approachability”: What Cultural Humility Brings to Library and Information Education

Lilliana Montoya and Sarah Polkinghorne

Part II Reflective Practice

4 Reflections on Culturally Humble Practice in Bibliography, Scholarship, and Readers’ Advisory: A Case Study

Michael Mungin

5 Cultural Humility and Evaluating Books for Young Readers

Silvia Lin Hanick and Kelsey Keyes

6 Learn, Act, Connect: Thriving as an International Librarian and Global Citizen

Meggan Houlihan, Amanda Click, and Dina Meky

7 Cultural Humility in Instruction on Health Outreach Projects: Revising a Course on the Grant-Writing Process

Jarrod Irwin

Part III Community

8 Embedding Diné Culture in Individual and Institutional Cultural Humility Practices: A View from the Tribal College Library

Rhiannon Sorrell

9 Beyond Late Fees: Eliminating Access Barriers for Everyone

Carrie Valdes

10 Small Changes Make an Impact: How Access and Metadata Services Teams Address Cultural Humility

Melanie Bopp, Tricia Mackenzie, and Kimberley A. Edwards

Part IV Hopeful Visions

11 Knowing (un)Knowings: Cultural Humility, the Other(s), and Theories of Change

Nicholae Cline and Jorge R. López-McKnight

12 Cultural Humility: A Journey to Radical Self-Love

Naghem Swade and Daniyom “Dani” Bekele

About the Author

Sarah R. Kostelecky is the Director of Digital Initiatives and Scholarly Communication (DISC) for University of New Mexico Libraries. Her research focuses on outreach efforts to underrepresented communities, diversity in academic libraries and library collections, and Native American language resources. Previously at UNM, Sarah has served as the Education Librarian and Access Services Librarian in the Indigenous Nations Library Program (INLP). She earned both her MA in Information Resources and Library Science and BA in Sociology from the University of Arizona. Prior to working at UNM Libraries, Sarah was the Library Director at the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) in Santa Fe, NM, the premiere educational institution for contemporary Native American arts and cultures. Along with David A. Hurley and Paulita Aguilar, she co-edited “Sharing Knowledge and Smashing Stereotypes: Representing Native American, First Nation, and Indigenous Realities in Library Collections,” a special double issue of the journal Collection Management. Sarah has enjoyed working in a variety of libraries including university, public, tribal college, and museum. She is a member of Zuni Pueblo in New Mexico.

Lori Townsend is the Learning Services Coordinator and Engineering Librarian for the University of New Mexico Libraries. Her research interests include threshold concepts and information literacy, academic librarians of color and cultural humility. Lori holds a BA in history from the University of New Mexico and an MLIS from San Jose State University. Before coming to UNM, she worked as the Electronic Collections Librarian at California State University, East Bay from 2005-2010. She is co-author, along with Amy R. Hofer and Silvia Lin Hanick, of the book Transforming Information Literacy Instruction: Threshold Concepts in Theory and Practice (Libraries Unlimited, 2018); she and Silvia Lin Hanick are Series Editors for the just-launched Libraries Unlimited Series on Teaching Information Literacy Today. Lori is a member of the Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of Duck Valley.

David A. Hurley is the Web and Discovery Librarian for the University Libraries. In addition to cultural humility, he writes and presents on search, reference services, and information literacy. He was previously the director of the Diné College libraries on the Navajo Nation, chief of the library development bureau at the New Mexico State Library, and branch and digital services manager for the public library of Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. With Sarah R. Kostelecky and Paulita Aguilar, David co-edited “Sharing Knowledge and Smashing Stereotypes: Representing Native American, First Nation, and Indigenous Realities in Library Collections,” a special double issue of the journal Collection Management.

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