A History of the Hellenistic World


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Table of Contents

List of Illustrations viii

List of Maps ix

Preface x

List of Abbreviations xi

Introduction 1

Part I the Making of the Hellenistic World 11

1 First Steps 13

I From Babylon to Triparadeisos 13

II Kassander and Polyperchon 21

III Antigonos 28

2 Consolidation 36

I Seleukos 36

II Lysimachos 39

III Ptolemy 40

IV Kassander and Europe 45

3 From Ipsos to Koroupedion 51

I After Ipsos 51

II Demetrios as King of the Macedonians 54

III Asia Minor 56

IV Towards War – Again 59

4 The Structure of Power 63

I The New Kings 63

II Land Distributions and City Foundations 68

III Regional Government 75

Part II the Hellenistic World in Action 77

5 Europe after Koroupedion 79

I Keraunos and the Celtic Invasion 80

II the Rise of the Aitolian League and Delphi 82

III Pyrrhos and Antigonos Gonatas 85

IV Antigonos Gonatas and the Chremonidean War 87

V Aitolia and Achaia 90

VI the Leagues Expand 93

VII Antigonos Doson 96

VIII Retrospect 103

6 Asia 111

I The Structure of Empire 112

II Antiochos I “soter” 114

III the Middle Years 119

IV Power and Government 126

7 Egypt 143

I Founding Ptolemaic Rule 143

II New and Old 147

III Alexandria and Ptolemais 151

IV Ruler Cult 154

V External Possessions 157

Part Iii the Challenge of Rome 163

8 Clouds in the West 165

I Egypt 165

II Seleukid Asia 171

III Europe 181

9 Storm in the Balkans 191

I Intermezzo 192

II Romans in the Balkans 203

III Antiochos Iii 214

10 Symploke 221

I Asia 221

 II Europe 237

Part Iv Rome in the Hellenistic World 247

11 Europe 249

I Macedonia 249

II Achaia 250

III Athens 253

12 Egypt and Asia 256

I The “Sixth Syrian War” 257

II Western Asia Minor 260

13 The End of the Seleukids 267

I Antiochos Iv 268

II the Dynasty Collapses 272

III Terminal Cancer 275

14 Central and Eastern Anatolia 279

I Anatolia Becomes Hellenistic 280

II the “first Mithridatic War” 282

III Anatolia Becomes Roman 287

15 Egypt Becomes Roman 290

I Ptolemy VI “Philometor” 292

II Ptolemy Viii “euergetes” Ii 295

III Woman Power 299

IV Kleopatra “philopator” and the End of Ptolemaic Egypt 305

16 Epilogue 309

Select Bibliography 316

Royal Dynasties 320

Index 324

About the Author

R. Malcolm Errington is Emeritus Professor of Ancient History at the University of Marburg, Germany. He holds degrees from the University of Durham and has published extensively on the Hellenistic period, especially on Roman expansion, and on Late Antiquity.


“One thing long lacking in the English-speaking world has been the in-depth, full political narrative … .This … is what Errington's book provides. The author has a sharp eye for intrigue, a gift for interpreting recalcitrant inscriptions, and a clear, brisk prose style. His command of the sources and the by now vast scholarship is masterly. As a result, his text will be equally invaluable—a rare achievement-for students and fellow scholars. Highly recommended.” (Choice Reviews, December 2008)
"The author, emeritus professor of ancient history at the University of Marburg, highlights the relationships between Greek city-states and Macedonian monarchies." (Times Higher Education Supplement)

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