A Handbook of Biblical Hebrew


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Table of Contents

Volume 1 contains contains discussions of the various stages of Biblical Hebrew's development; Volume 2 contains sample texts and illustrations of the reading traditions


Part I

Phases of Biblical Hebrew

1. Standard/Classical Biblical Hebrew

Joseph Lam and Dennis Pardee

2. Archaic Biblical Hebrew

Agustinus Gianto

3. Transitional Biblical Hebrew

Aaron D. Hornkohl

4. Late Biblical Hebrew

Matthew Morgenstern

Part II

Contemporary Hebrew Attestations

5. Epigraphic Hebrew

Shmuel Aḥituv, W. Randall Garr, and Steven E. Fassberg

6. Ben Sira

Wido van Peursen

7. The Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Jan Joosten

Part III

Ancient and Medieval Reading Traditions

8. Hebrew in Greek and Latin Transcriptions

Alexey Eliyahu Yuditsky

9. Samaritan Tradition

Moshe Florentin

10. Babylonian Tradition

Shai Heijmans

11. Karaite Transcriptions of Biblical Hebrew

Geoffrey Khan

12. Palestinian Tradition

Joseph Yahalom

13. Tiberian-Palestinian Tradition

Holger Gzella

Part IV


14. The Tiberian Tradition of Reading the Bible and the Masoretic System

Yosef Ofer

15. The Contribution of Tannaitic Hebrew to Understanding Biblical Hebrew

Moshe Bar-Asher

16. Modern Reading Traditions of Biblical Hebrew

Aharon Maman


“While handbooks of Hebrew abound, this collection of essays does not stop with a technical linguistic treatment but introduces readers to the communities using and preserving these texts. The authors collectively present a nuanced history of Biblical Hebrew that traces its evolution from a spoken and written Iron Age language to a language used in more specialized contexts. The handbook’s primary achievement is the inclusion of lesser-known religious and scholarly communities. . . . This broad perspective could fill a lacuna in the education of most students, especially those unfamiliar with the reading traditions of the Samaritans, Karaites, and modern Jewish communities.”—Alice Mandell Review of Biblical Literature

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