H.I.V.E. 9: Bloodline


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About the Author

Mark Walden (born 1972) is the author of the H.I.V.E. series of novels. He was a senior producer in charge of developing PlayStation games for Sony before taking up writing full-time. He studied English Literature and Twentieth Century Literature, Film and Television at Newcastle University where he met his wife, Sarah. They have a daughter, Megan, a cat called Solo and the most important member of the household, a dog called Chewie. He spent ten years as a video games designer and producer before leaving the games industry to write and become a full-time father. H.I.V.E., published in September 2006, was Walden's debut novel. It was selected as a winner in Richard and Judy's 'Best Kids' Books Ever' competition and Paramount Pictures optioned the film rights. Walden has since produced eight more books in the series, as well as a sci-fi trilogy called Earthfall.

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