General History of Africa volume 5 [pbk abridged]


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Table of Contents

The struggle for international trade and its implications for Africa, M. Malowist; African political, economic and social structures, P. Diagne; population movements and emergence of new socio-political forms, J. Vansina; Africa in world history - the export slacve trade and the emergence of the Atlantic economic order, J.E. Inikori; the African diaspora in the old and new worlds, J.E. Harris; the Ottoman conquest of Egypt, R. Vesely; the Sudan, 1500-1800, Y.F. Hasan and B.A. Ogot,; Morocco, M. El Fasi; Algeria, Tunisia and Libya - the Ottomans and their heirs, M.H. Cherif; Senegambia from the 16th-18th century - the Wolof, Sereer and "Tukuloor", B. Barry; the end of the Songhay empire, M. Abitbol; from the Niger to the Volta, M. Izard and J. Ki-Zerbo; states and cultures of the Upper Guinean coast, C. Wondji; states and cultures of the Lower Guinean coast, A.A. Boahen; Fon and Yoruba - the Niger delta and the Cameroon, E.J. Alagao; the Hausa states, D. Laya; Kanem-Borno - its relations with the Meditteranean Sea, Bagirmi and other states in the Chad basin, B.M. Barkindo; from the Cameroon grasslands to the Upper Nile, E.M. M'Bokolo; the Kongo kingdom and its neighbours, J. Vansina and T. Obenga; the political system of the Luba and Lunda, Ndaywel al Nziem; the northern Zambesi-Lake Malawi region, K.M. Phiri, O.J.M. Kalinga and H.H.K. Bhila; Southern Zambezia, H.H.K. Bhila; Southern Africa, D. Denoon; the Horn of Africa, E. Haberland; East Africa - the coast, A.I. Salim; the Great Lakes region, 1500-1800, J.B. Webster, B.A. Ogot and J.P. Chretien; the interior of East Africa - the peoples of Kenya and Tanzania, 1500-1800. W.R. Ochieng; Madagascar and the islands of the Indian Ocean, R.K. Kent; the historical development of African societies, 1500-1800.


A major theme of the volume, ... taken up in the first chapter, is the struggle for international trade and its implications for Africa... a worthy and worthwhile undertaking, bringing within reasonably affordable reach, a comprehensive survey which should long stand as a basic introductory text on the period. -

Reviews of the Series:

... a real contribution to scholarship. -
*the TLS*

The General History of Africa was launched in 1970, when an International Scientific Committee of 39 scholars was formed to oversee the writing and publication of a complete survey of the African past, from pre-history to the present. The laudable aim of the project was to break free from the straightjacket of Eurocentrism, and to provide a history that reflected a range of African views without imposing any set historical interpretation. -

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