1 Introduction to the analysis and design of excavations; 2 Engineering properties of soils and geotechnical analysis; 3 Excavation methods and lateral supporting systems; 4 Lateral earth pressure; 5 Stability analysis; 6 Stress and deformation analysis: simplified method; 7 Stress and deformation analysis: beam on elastic foundation method; 8 Stress and deformation analysis: finite element method; 9 Dewatering in excavations; 10 Design of retaining structural components; 11 Excavation and protection of adjacent buildings; 12 Monitoring systems; Appendix A: Conversion factors; Appendix B: Soil properties at the TNEC excavation site; Appendix C: Definition of plane strain; References; Index
Chang-Yu Ou, Ph.D., is a Chair Professor of the Department of Civil and Construction Engineering at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan. He received his doctoral degrees from Stanford University in 1987. He is the chair of the ATC6 of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). He was the Dean of the College of Engineering at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and the President of the Taiwan Geotechnical Society.
His areas of interest are deep excavations, soil behavior, soft ground tunneling, and ground improvement. He has published more than 200 journal and conference papers. He has received three outstanding research awards and received a research fellow award from the National Science Council of Taiwan. He was also awarded many journal paper awards. In addition to publishing the book Deep Excavation: Theory and Practice with Taylor & Francis, he has also published three deep excavation books in the Chinese language. Because of his outstanding research results, he has participated in many large-scale projects related to deep excavations as a reviewer, designer, or analyst.
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