Forensic Podiatry


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Table of Contents

General Forensic Concerns. Podiatric Forensic Concerns. Mediciolegal Concerns.

About the Author

John A. DiMaggio, DPM, a pioneer in the field, has lectured and published extensively both in the United States and abroad. He gained vast experience of the criminal justice system by working 15 years with the Mesa Police Department in Mesa, Arizona as a certified patrol officer. He founded the American Society of Forensic podiatry in 2003.

Wesley Vernon, OBE is internationally recognized as one of the pioneers of forensic podiatry, having worked, written, and presented extensively in this field. Retired in 2015 from senior roles in podiatry, research, academia, and forensic podiatry consultancy, he has played a leading role in several professional organizations concerned with podiatry, forensic science, and forensic podiatry.


"This is the second edition … which has doubled in size since the first edition in 2011. It is supported by new and emerging knowledge, providing clear explanation of how forensic podiatry principles can be systematically used in forensic human identification … a key reference text for those training and working in the forensic science community and criminal justice systems."— Mr Nick Howsam, MSc, BSc (Hons), BSc (Hons); review in The Chartered Society of Forensic Sciences’ publication Interfaces, December 2017

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