Environmental Policymaking and Stakeholder Collaboration


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Table of Contents

Introduction. Introduction. Central Concepts. Stakeholder Collaboration Planning. Overview. References. Stakeholders: Theoretical Foundations. Introduction. Stakeholder Theories. Interest Based Typology. Identifying Stakeholders. Stakeholder Interests. Stakeholder Participation. Counter Arguments to Participation. Conclusion. References. Stakeholders and Decision Making. Introduction. Stakeholders and Public Policymaking. Importance of Stakeholders For Policymaking. Stakeholder and Agency Roles. Conflict Management. Measuring Effectiveness of Collaboration. Working With Stakeholders in Policymaking. Promoting Good Communication. Stakeholder Participation Ideas in Practice. References. Case Study: Yellowstone National Park. Introduction. Yellowstone National Park. Bear Management. Wolf Reintroduction. Snowmobiles. Bioprospecting And Benefits Sharing. Wildfires. Conclusion. References. Stakeholder Collaboration Tools. Introduction. Planning. Recruitment Tools. Identifying Stakeholder Interests. Engagement Tools. Strategic Thinking Tools. Education. Project Management Tools for Stakeholder Collaboration. Communication and Teamwork Tools. Conclusion. References.


"Who can benefit from reading this book? I would say, everyone who is interested in governance and collaborative decision making. … The book is inspired by the author’s experiences with a real-life, international stakeholder collaboration during the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change."
—Agnieszka D Hunka, University of Twente, the Netherlands

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