Effortless Style: Casa Lopez


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Pierre Sauvage's first book introduces his French Bohemian-chic philosophy for living with style through his contemporary interiors-both urban and country- and recipes for elegant entertaining.

About the Author

Pierre Sauvage spent fourteen years in public relations in Paris, representing prestigious luxury clients such as Tiffany, Mauboussin, Plaza Athénée, Frédéric Malle perfumes, the Hotel Meurice, and The Comité Colbert. In 2014, he acquired Casa Lopez, a bespoke carpet and decorative home accessories firm founded in the 1980s that embodies elegant French country style.

Fabienne Reybaud is a journalist for Le Figaro, specialized in the luxury industry.

Vincent Thibert is a lifestyle photographer whose work regularly appears in magazines such as Architectural Digest and Elle Décor.


“’I am not an interior designer,’” Pierre Sauvage sets the record straight. And yet, for all his protestations to the contrary, his bold aesthetic, color palette, playful pairings and enviable eye for detail are unmatched—and envied the nation over. Never one to pander to fads or trends, the assured (and autodidactic) director of luxury housewares firm Casa Lopez has blazed his own trail, mainly under the radar—until now. In his first book-cum-manifesto, Effortless Style, the former PR guru lays out the tenets of his boho philosophy and go-to essentials against the background of his own swoon-worthy home trifecta: his swish Haussmannian pad, Norman maison de campagne, and Provençal farm. Accessible, and refreshingly unpretentious, Sauvage’s ode to modern comfort is just the ticket to freshen up those lackluster interiors ready for summer. Our new design bible!” 
—France Today

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