Bruce Kaplan is a newspaper editor and editorial trainer with more than 40 years' international experience. He has held senior positions with major publications in Australia, Hong Kong and Singapore. An Australian edition of his book Editing Made Easy has become a standard reference and learning guide in Australia and elsewhere: his new book expands on that work and, for the first time, adapts it to the spellings and conventions of U.S. English.
It is rare that even an experienced and successful author has not
needed the services of an editor. In "Editing Made Easy: Simple
Rules for Effective Writing," Bruce Kaplan draws upon his more than
forty years of professional experience and expertise as a newspaper
copy editor and an editorial trainer to create a succinct,
thoroughly 'user friendly, ' 112-page compendium of instruction,
information, commentary, examples, and techniques for editing a
manuscript to make the writing energized, engaging, and just plain
better. "Editing Made Easy" lays out common errors of grammar and
spelling; reveals how best to avoid typographical and factual
errors; become informed as to the diverse styles of print and the
varied online media. One of the principal reasons for the novice
author to give "Editing Made Easy" a careful reading is to
substantially improve their chances of having their manuscripts
published, and as published books have them achieve a marketplace
success. Covering the rules and conventions of American English,
"Editing Made Easy" is informed, informative, and highly
recommended for both personal reference shelves and community
library Writing/Publishing instructional collections.-- "Midwest
Book Review"
Longtime newspaper editor Kaplan offers no-frills advice to
self-editors. He stresses the value of writers who know how to edit
their own work. His approach is similar to Bruce Ross-Larson's Edit
Yourself. In 37 short chapters, Kaplan covers most thorny writing
difficulties, such as split infinitives, tautologies, and misplaced
modifiers. This is a book with lots of lists and white space: it
would seem just as well suited to use in a digital format as in the
traditional print version. The book's portability and its low price
make it especially useful for college students and bloggers.
VERDICT This affordable, bare-bones guide will appeal to writers
(and others who have to write) - especially those who like
referring to a handy list of do's and don'ts.-- "Library Journal"
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