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About the Author

Kathleen Ann Quill, Ed.D., is affiliated with The Autism Institute in Essex, Massachusetts. The Autism Institute provides consultation, professional development, and training to educators serving children with autism.


"Kathleen Quill has succeeded in providing for clinicians, educators, and parents the most comprehensive text to date that facilitates an understanding of the complexity of the social communication impairments of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) while providing a clear pathway for understanding how to assess both social and communication strengths and needs, select appropriate evidence-based interventions, and monitor progress. This second edition of Do-Watch-Listen-Say includes a revision of the Assessment of Social and Communication Skills for Individuals with ASD that guides clinicians in identifying potential obstacles to learning while planning intervention from the assessment results to the development of measurable objectives. Each chapter highlights critical learning elements and provides charts, tables, case examples, and sample assessment and intervention plans that enrich the readerâ (TM)s understanding of those instructional strategies that are most likely to support the social communication of individuals with ASD." --Patricia A Prelock, Ph.D.

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