Diving and Subaquatic Medicine, Fifth Edition


Product Description
Product Details

Table of Contents

Diving. Dysbaric Diseases: Barotraumas. Decompression Sickness. Abnormal Gas Pressures. Aquatic Disorders: The Drowning Syndromes. Other Aquatic Disorders. Specific Diving Diseases. The Diving Accident. Medical Standards for Diving. Specialized Divnig and Its Problems. Related Subject. Appendices: Decompression Tables. US Navy Recompression Therapy Tables. Recompression Therapy Options. Diving Medical Library. Diving Medical Training. Diving Medical Organizations and Contacts.

About the Author

Carl Edmonds, formerly OIC of the Royal Australian Navy Diving Medical Unit, Foundation President of the South Pacific Underwater Medical Society and Director of the Australian Diving Medical Centre, Sydney, Australia
Michael Bennett, conjoint associate professor in anaesthesia and diving and hyperbaric medicine, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

John Lippmann, founder, chairman and director of research, DAN (Divers Alert Network) Asia-Pacific, Ashburton, Australia
Simon J. Mitchell, head, Department of Anaesthesiology, University of Auckland, New Zealand; and consultant in diving and hyperbaric medicine, Slark Hyperbaric Unit, North Shore Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand

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