Figures & Tables xii
Note from the Publisher on the Second Edition xv
Foreword to the Second Edition: Nicole Forsgren xix
Foreword to the First Edition: John Allspaw xxi
Preface: Aha! xxiii
Introduction xxxi
Part I—The Three Ways
Part I Introduction 3
01 Agile, Continuous Delivery, and the Three Ways 7
NEW Case Study: Approaching Cruising Altitude:
American Airlines' DevOps Journey Part 1 (2020) 15
02 The First Way: The Principles of Flow 19
NEW Case Study: Flow and Constraint Management in
Healthcare (2021) 29
03 The Second Way: The Principles of Feedback 33
NEW Case Study: Pulling the Andon Cord at
Excella (2019) 39
04 The Third Way: The Principles of Continual Learning and
Experimentation 45
NEW Case Study: The Story of Bell Labs 54
Part 1 Conclusion 57
Part II—Where to Start
Part II Introduction 61
05 Selecting Which Value Stream to Start With 63
Case Study: Nordstrom's DevOps Transformation 63
NEW Case Study: Kessel Run: The Brownfield
Transformation of a Mid-Air Refueling System (2020) 69
NEW Case Study: Scaling DevOps Across the Business:
American Airlines' DevOps Journey (Part 2) (2020) 74
NEW Case Study: Saving the Economy From Ruin (With a
Hyperscale PaaS) (2021) 77
06 Understanding the Work in Our Value Stream, Making it
Visible, and Expanding it Across the Organization 81
Case Study: Nordstrom's Experience with Value Stream
Mapping 81
Case Study: Operation InVersion at LinkedIn (2011) 91
07 How to Design Our Organization and Architecture
with Conway's Law in Mind 97
Case Study: Conway's Law at Etsy 98
Case Study: API Enablement at Target (2015) 112
08 How to Get Great Outcomes by Integrating Operations
into the Daily Work of Development 115
Case Study: Big Fish Games 115
NEW Case Study: Better Ways of Working at Nationwide
Building Society 124
Part II Conclusion 129
Part III—The First Way: The Technical Practices of Flow
Part III Introduction 133
09 Create the Foundations of Our Deployment Pipeline 135
Case Study: Enterprise Data Warehouse 135
NEW Case Study: How a Hotel Company Ran $30B of
Revenue in Containers (2020) 143
10 Enable Fast and Reliable Automated Testing 147
Case Study: Google Web Server 148
11 Enable and Practice Continuous Integration 167
Case Study: HP LaserJet Firmware 168
Case Study: Continuous Integration of Bazaarvoice (2012) 173
12 Automate and Enable Low-Risk Releases 177
Case Study: Daily Deployments at CSG International (2013) 181
Case Study: Etsy—Self-Service Developer Deployment:
An Example of Continuous Deployment (2014) 186
Case Study: Dixons Retail—Blue-Green Deployment for
Point-of-Sale System (2008) 193
Case Study: Dark Launch of Facebook Chat (2008) 198
NEW Case Study: Creating a Win-Win for Dev & Ops
at CSG (2016) 201
13 Architect for Low-Risk Releases 207
Case Study: Evolutionary Architecture at Amazon (2002) 202
Case Study: Strangler Pattern at Blackboard Learn (2011) 215
Part III Conclusion 219
Part IV—The Second Way: The Technical Practices of Feedback
Part IV Introduction 223
14 Create Telemetry to Enable Seeing and Solving Problems 225
Case Study: DevOps Transformation at Etsy (2012) 226
Case Study: Creating Self-Service Metrics at
LinkedIn (2011) 237
15 Analyze Telemetry to Better Anticipate Problems and
Achieve Goals 245
Case Study: Telemetry at Netflix (2012–2020) 245
Case Study: Auto-Scaling Capacity at Netflix (2012) 251
Case Study: Advanced Anomaly Detection (2014) 255
16 Enable Feedback So Development and Operations Can
Safely Deploy Code 259
Case Study: Right Media (2006) 259
Case Study: The Launch and Hand-Off Readiness
Review Google (2010) 269
17 Integrate Hypothesis-Driven Development and
A/B Testing into Our Daily Work 273
Case Study: Hypothesis-Driven Development
at Intuit, Inc. (2012) 273
Case Study: Doubling Revenue Growth through Fast
Release Cycle Experimentation at Yahoo! Answers (2010) 278
18 Create Review and Coordination Processes to Increase
Quality of Our Current Work 281
Case Study: Peer Review at GitHub (2011) 286
NEW Case Study: From Six-Eye Principle to Release at
Scale at Adidas (2021) 286
Case Study: Code Reviews at Google (2010) 290
Case Study: Pair Programming Replacing Broken Code
Review Processes at Pivotal Labs (2011) 293
Part IV Conclusion 299
Part V—The Third Way: The Technical Practices of Continual Learning
and Experimentation
Part V Introduction 303
19 Enable and Inject Learning into Daily Work 305
Case Study: AWS US-EAST and Netflix (2011) 305
NEW Case Study: Turning an Outage into a Powerful
Learning Opportunity at CSG (2020) 318
20 Convert Local Discoveries into Global Improvements 321
Case Study: Standardizing a New Technology Stack
at Etsy (2010) 332
NEW Case Study: Crowdsourcing Technology Governance at
Target (2018) 333
21 Reserve Time to Create Organizational Learning
and Improvement 335
Case Study: 30-Day Challenge at Target (2015) 335
Case Study: Internal Technology Conferences at
Nationwide Insurance, Capital One, and Target (2014) 342
Part V Conclusion 347
Part VI—The Technological Practices of Integrating Information
Security, Change Management, and Compliance
Part VI Introduction 351
22 Information Security Is Everyone's Job Every Day 353
Case Study: Static Security Testing at Twitter (2009) 360
Case Study: 18F Automating Compliance for the Federal
Government with Compliance Masonry (2016) 369
Case Study: Instrumenting the Environment at
Etsy (2010) 373
NEW Case Study: Shifting Security Left at Fannie
Mae (2020) 376
23 Protecting the Deployment Pipeline, and Integrating into
Change Management and Other Security and Compliance
Controls 379
Case Study: Automated Infrastructure Changes as
Standard Changes at (2012) 383
Case Study: PCI Compliance and a Cautionary Tale of
Separating Duties at Etsy (2014) 385
NEW Case Study: Biz and Tech Partnership toward 10 "No Fear
Releases" Per Day at Capital One (2020) 387
Case Study: Proving Compliance in Regulated
Environments (2015) 389
Case Study: Relying on Production Telemetry for
ATM Systems 392
Part VI Conclusion 395
A Call to Action: Conclusion to the DevOps Handbook 397
Afterword to the Second Edition 401
Appendices 409
Bibliography 423
Notes 441
Index 461
Acknowledgments 479
Author Biographies 482
Gene Kim is a multiple award-winning CTO, researcher and bestselling author. He was founder and CTO of Tripwire for 13 years. He has written six books. Since 2014, he has been the founder of IT Revolution and the organizer of the DevOps Enterprise Summit.
Jez Humble is co-author of several books on software including Shingo Publication Award winner Accelerate, Jolt Award winner Continuous Delivery, and The DevOps Handbook. He has spent his career tinkering with code, infrastructure, and product development in companies of varying sizes across three continents. He works for Google Cloud as a technology advocate and teaches at UC Berkeley.
Patrick Debois is the Director of DevOps Relations and Advisor at Snyk. In 2009 he coined the word DevOps by organizing the first devopsdays event, as is now often known as one of the grandfathers of DevOps. He organized conferences all over the world to collect and spread new ideas.
John Willis is Senior Director of the Global Transformation Office at Red Hat. Prior to Red Hat, he was the Director of Ecosystem Development for Docker. John was one of the earliest cloud evangelists and is considered one of the founders of the DevOps movement. John is the author of 7 IBM Redbooks, as well as co-author of the The DevOps Handbook and Beyond the Phoenix Project.
Nicole Forsgren, PhD, is a Partner at Microsoft Research. She is author of the Shingo Publication Award-winning book Accelerate: The Science of Lean Software and DevOps and is best known as lead investigator on the largest DevOps studies to date. She has been a successful entrepreneur (with an exit to Google), professor, performance engineer, and sysadmin. Her work has been published in several peer-reviewed journals.
The DevOps Handbook has been a critical resource when working with
clients to transform their software delivery culture and processes.
The book provides easy to understand, practical patterns for
improving workflow, communication, and product delivery.
*Sam McLeod, DevOps Consultant*
The DevOps Handbook is an amazing guide for anyone trying to
improve their DevOps Kung-Fu in their companies. It literally
covers everything you may need to know, and is filled with
interesting case studies and real-life examples of how people have
achieved success in their DevOps transformations.
*Ross Clanton, Chief Architect and Managing Director, American
This has become the defacto, "must read" reference book for
organizations pursuing a DevOps strategy. The book's knowledge
provides insightful and practical advice aimed at increasing DevOps
success for every staffer, manager, executive, and team.
*Stephen Elliot, Program Vice President, I&O, DevOps, and Cloud
Operations at IDC*
…it's tone is as inviting as the case it makes is compelling.
Business leaders looking for guidance about DevOps practices, or to
get started on an implementation plan, will find much to work with
*Publishers Weekly*
Five years on, The DevOps Handbook is still an anchor in a sea of
ever changing technical currents and topical winds. As relevant now
as it was in the beginning.
*Shane Carlson, Principal Executive Architect at ServiceNow*
There are a lot of DevOps books, but very few that offer concrete,
practical, and implementable advice and a roadmap for not just
adopting DevOps practices and principles, but for also measuring
their success. The DevOps Handbook is the definitive long-form
guide for achieving success with DevOps methodologies.
*Nigel Kersten, Field CTO, Puppet*
DevOps can be somewhat mysterious. What does it really mean to
'break down silos?' The DevOps Handbook is just what's needed: a
practical guide that shows you how to get started making real
*Jeff Sussna, CEO, Sussna Associates*
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