"Having my lost father when I was eight years old and then never dealing with that grief, Becky's book feels like the book I wish I'd had as a child. I can't go back in time so I'll read it again and again and give it to anyone I know who may need it. Which is to say: all humans."- Jennifer Pastiloff, bestselling author of On Being Human "From the very first sentence of this luminous book, filled with hard and tender truths, Becky Aud-Jennison takes the reader by the hand: 'See, death isn't so awful. You don't have to be afraid. Let's explore the its hills and valleys together.' This book of 'conversations you might not find elsewhere' is a precious gem. Thank you, Becky Aud-Jennison for generously sharing the work of your heart and soul. I now have the perfect gift to give anyone who is grieving, facing death, or walking the razor's edge between this world and the next. This compassion-filled book is a gift and a treasure."- Laura Davis, author of The Burning Light of Two Stars and The Courage to Heal "In her transformative book Death and Its Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Beautiful Lessons, Becky Aud-Jennison takes our hand and walks us into the beautiful, horrible realm of dying and grief. Through the wisdom she has garnered from her own losses and from the stories of the Death Dialogues Project, Becky shows us that the awe-full journey of grief is unique to each person but is ultimately traveled by everyone. Read this marvelous book to discover that Death is the ultimate maker of change and meaning in life and to embrace both the beauty and the pain of this human existence."- Karen Wyatt MD, author of 7 Lessons for Living from the Dying; host of End-of-Life University Podcast "Death & Its Terrible, Horrible, No Good-Beautiful Lessons is a heart touching, mind opening book of stories, ideas, and food for thought about a subject most people run away from. Don't run from this one, you'll miss a lighted path of a feared, not talked about topic. A tender read!"- Barbara Karnes, RN, American Hospice Pioneer, author of Gone from My Sight and many other books of guidance for end of life "Thoughtful, honest, well put together, and beautifully written. I think it will bring comfort to many and be thought provoking for others. I've been in this somewhat altered universe since 2011, lost 5 family members in si
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