A shocking secret behind a young boy's death leads to three generations of treachery in this breathtaking saga of love, power and revenge, set amid the wealth and decadence of Victorian England...
Ken Follett was twenty-seven when he wrote Eye of the Needle, an award-winning thriller that became an international bestseller. He then surprised everyone with The Pillars of the Earth, about the building of a cathedral in the Middle Ages, which continues to captivate millions of readers all over the world and its long-awaited sequel, World Without End, was a number one bestseller in the US, UK and Europe and was followed by the third novel in the Kingsbridge series A Column of Fire. He has written the bestselling Century trilogy, which comprises Fall of Giants, Winter of the World and Edge of Eternity.
Banks, brothels, and a high body count . . . it's all there
*Financial Times*
A compulsively readable, enjoyable thriller-cum-saga
*Sunday Times*
A full-blooded melodrama, complete with moustache-twirling
villains, saintly heroes, wronged women, and a lot of plot
*Irish Times*
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