The Craft of Research


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About the Author

Joseph Bizup is associate professor in the Department of English at Boston University. He is the coeditor of the thirteenth edition of the Norton Reader and editor of the eleventh edition of Joseph M. Williams's Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace. William T. FitzGerald is assistant professor in the Department of English at Rutgers University. Wayne C. Booth (1921 2005) was the George M. Pullman Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus in English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago. His many books included The Rhetoric of Fiction and For the Love of It: Amateuring and Its Rivals, both published by the University of Chicago Press. Gregory G. Colomb (1951 2011) was professor of English at the University of Virginia and the author of Designs on Truth: The Poetics of the Augustan Mock-Epic. Joseph M. Williams (1933 2008) was professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at the University of Chicago and the author of Style: Lessons in Clarity and Grace.


"Accessible, readable and jargon-free. . . . The Craft of Research pays close attention to readers' needs and anxieties."--Praise for previous edition "Teaching in Higher Education"

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