Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation


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Product Details

This book is a welcome and much-needed resource for complex dissociative clients and their therapists. It offers a myriad of exercises and strategies to help clients challenge dissociative adaptations and replace them with other means of coping, so that they can develop a more integrated self and life, and ultimately regain control of their bodies and minds.--Christine A. Courtois, PhD, ABPP, author of "Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy" and "Recollections of Sexual Abuse"

About the Author

Suzette Boon, PhD, lives in the Netherlands. Kathy Steele, MN, CS, is Clinical Director of Metropolitan Counseling Services, a training and low cost psychotherapy center, and is in private practice with Metropolitan Psychotherapy Associates in Atlanta, Georgia. She serves on the Board of the International Society for the Study of Traumatic Stress, and is a former member of the Executive Council of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation. Onno van der Hart, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychopathology of Chronic Traumatization, Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands, and a psychologist / psychotherapist at the Sinai Center for Mental Health, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He is a Past President of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). He was recently honored as an Officer of the Order of Orange-Nassau, Netherlands.


"[A] book worthy of [therapists’] time."

"This book is a much-welcomed tool for working with individuals with complex trauma. Although there are other training manuals that address the treatment of trauma, there is none that deal specifically with the subset of dissociative pathology. This manual is the first of its kind, a hands-on and practical training and skill-building tool for individuals and therapists. . . . The book has a user-friendly approach that is integrative and eclectic and can easily be introduced and incorporated in ongoing treatment. . . . For therapist and clients, navigating complex trauma can feel daunting and confusing with many stops and falls that may leave both feeling discouraged. This book is an anchor for the work, a place to return when uncertainty invades treatment."
*Social Work with Groups*

"Coping with Trauma-Related Dissociation contains the lucid explanations, practical skills, and collective wisdom of three therapists with decades of experience treating dissociative patients. This book serves as a manual for therapists, a guide for trainers, and a workbook for dissociative disorder patients, delivering an up-to-date blend of the best clinical practices with recent advances in mindfulness therapy and cognitive behavioral approaches to pathological dissociation."
*Frank W. Putnam, MD, Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine*

"This book is a welcome and much-needed resource for complex dissociative clients and their therapists. It offers a myriad of exercises and strategies to help clients challenge dissociative adaptations and replace them with other means of coping, so that they can develop a more integrated self and life, and ultimately regain control of their bodies and minds."
*Christine A. Courtois, PhD, ABPP, author of Healing the Incest Wound: Adult Survivors in Therapy and Recollections of Sexual Abuse*

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